market power

market power
эк. рыночная власть [сила\] (наличие у фирмы возможности оказывать влияние на рыночную цену или увеличивать цены, не снижая объемы продаж; наличие сильной рыночной власти считается опасным для экономической эффективности, так как позволяет фирме меньше заботиться о качестве продукта, меньше инвестировать в развитие, заниматься хищнической конкуренцией и т. п.; измерением и контролем рыночной власти призваны заниматься антимонопольные органы)

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рыночная сила: способность контролировать торговые каналы (поставщики, услуги поставки, пункты продажи) для получения конкурентного преимущества для своих товаров.

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "market power" в других словарях:

  • market power — ➔ power1 * * * market power UK US noun [U] FINANCE, COMMERCE ► the ability of a company to control prices in a particular industry: »Banks can use market power to dominate narrow derivatives markets. »Individual insurers have some market power to …   Financial and business terms

  • Market power — Competition law Basic concepts History of competition law Monopoly Coercive monopoly Natural monopoly …   Wikipedia

  • Market Power — A company s ability to manipulate price by influencing an item s supply, demand or both. A company with market power would be able to affect price to its benefit. Firms with market power are said to be price makers as they are able to set the… …   Investment dictionary

  • market power — The ability of a transactor to influence market prices, owing to the very large share of the demand or supply in a particular market that this transactor controls. The major UK supermarkets are often said to possess market power of this kind …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • market power — / mɑ:kɪt ˌpaυə/ noun the power of a business within a market, usually based on the firm’s market position …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • market power — Term for purposes of the Sherman Act, is the ability to raise prices significantly above the competitive level without losing all of one s business; the ability to raise prices above those which would be charged in a competitive market. National… …   Black's law dictionary

  • market power — Term for purposes of the Sherman Act, is the ability to raise prices significantly above the competitive level without losing all of one s business; the ability to raise prices above those which would be charged in a competitive market. National… …   Black's law dictionary

  • market power — ability of a company to raise prices to a level higher than the general market price and maintain the high price over a significant period of time …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Market transformation — describes both a policy objective and a program strategy[1] to promote the value and self sustaining presence of energy efficient technologies in the marketplace. It is a strategic process of market intervention which aims to alter market… …   Wikipedia

  • Market failure — is a concept within economic theory wherein the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient. That is, there exists another conceivable outcome where a market participant may be made better off without making someone else… …   Wikipedia

  • Market Segmentation Index — or Celli Index of Market Segmentation, named after the Italian economist Celli G. GianLuca, is a measure of market segmentation. This Index, is a comparative measure of the degree of monopoly power in two distinctive markets for products that… …   Wikipedia

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